Die seuns is baie mal oor Sannelies se hondjies: Roxy met die klein koppie en watsenaam met die rooi vel.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Ons planne
Die seuns is baie mal oor Sannelies se hondjies: Roxy met die klein koppie en watsenaam met die rooi vel.
Vrugte /Fruit
Die ortopediese aanslag is nogal dramaties na n mangoe seisoen want almal klouter en klim om mangoes te kry.
Ek het een laat middag omtrent 20 mangoes gesqueeze en in die juice lady gesit met ferm instruksies om nie die knoppie aan te sit nie(die seuns hou daarvan om die knoppie te druk en te sien hoe die sap gamaak word). Die deksel was af en ek het gou uit die kombuis uitgegaan. Klein Ralphie het ingekom en voor Ceri se oe die knoppie gedruk. Die hele kombuis vloer, tafel en muur was vol geel slym! En Ralphie se verstommende gesig was soos iets uit n paint ball eindstryd. Hy was regtig vol mangoe van kop tot tone!
Cecily het omtrent 5 piesang brode gemaak in haar tydjie hier by ons. Ons het dit Kers oggend, Geloftedag en as ek reg onthou oor Nuwe jaar ook geeet. Sy het nou regtig die resep vervolmaak en die bladsy se oortjies vuil gesmeer.
Ons was gister in die wildtuin(later meer hieroor ) en ons het carmine bee-eaters gesien tot dit by ons ore uitloop.
Ons gaan bietjie op die rots le buite die Strydom tonnel saam met michael om die Taitai-valkie(spelling!) te sien.. sal dink aan jy en Kevin. Later...Ons het toe nie hierdie ekskursie meegemaak nie, maar die intensie was daar!
Kevin, you will be pleased to know that Ceri has finished the adult version of Financial IQ and she is now bringing it into the bedroom. Hopefully some of the info will spill onto me. She is now very busy and wants to open business after business. Very exciting.
Die jaar was nie net opwindend in die diere afdeling nie. Ons het geleer om voels te bekyk en dit is aangehelp deur ons Robertson's geillustreerde boekie oor SA voels en die ongelooflike hoeveelheid voels in ons tuin en in die nabye area. Ndumo is een van die amazingste plekke om voels in Suider Afrika te sien en ons is juis gereeld soontoe vir n bietjie 'twitching'. Ceri het n groter geillustreerde bird boek gekry vir haar verjaarsdag so daar was baie 'referencing'.
Ons het aasvoels gesien in die Pongola reservaat, Kingfishers op die St Lucia mere en reiers en arende langs die mere en op die strande. Daar was uile in die bome in die tuin met regte hoot-hoot geluide en bee eaters en suikerbekkies in die grys/wilde strelitsia net buitekant ons kamer venster.
Twee jong 'kanienies' het baba hoepoes by die huis aangebring en ons het n geelkeelkalkoentjie een keer in die grasvlakte gewaar.Dis n tong knoper-se dit vinnig: GEELKEELKALKOENTJIE.
Scabies, tick bite fever and malaria
We developed many different types of rashes and at some point Ceri dosed us all with anti scabies lotion(with no real evidence based improvement). It was probably some sort of tropical thing because we are now all ok and I believe Cecily's skin is also good.
During our stay in Africa we had a few malaria scares. We didn't take any profilaxis / anti-malarials so needed to be cautious and act on unexplained temperatures. Ralphie had 2 tests in the year(which was a highly sensitive finger prick test-done in casualty) and Ceri had one malaria test which turned out to be tick bite fever.
The public health agency sprays all houses and medical wards twice a year with some or other chemical(not DDT). We missed the 1st spray because there was no warning and they arrived at 06h00 one morning announcing their intention... dressed in atronaut type clothes looking like forensic specialists...very frightening!
The walk around the lakes
We finally reached the coast and had a dip in the sea. Ceri burnt her stomach(yes, very red) and we continued the round trip to the mouth. In order to finish the last leg of the walk we needed to cross through the mouth of the river(or turn around and walk back).
But the mouth was higher than ever. We crossed in the way the cabbage, the goat and the lion crossed...
I walked with Cecily , Louis and some of the equipment -we had to swim the last few metres in the strong current. Cecily waited on the other side with Louis and I went back to fetch Ralph. Ralph then also stayed with Cecily and I went back for Ceri and the rucksacks. It is quite tricky to swim with the rucksacks on your head in a strong tide. Ceri managed to keep her rucksack dry! This was quite a nerve racking experience.
the last leg was up the sand forest path back to the car. Cecily and Louis seemed to get more energy as the walk progressed and Ralph was weighing on Ceri and my shoulders.
We did well on this walk, but 2 soldiers developed complications 10 days later...
Swimming with sharks
On our arrival the sea conditions were not great despite it being a very beautiful day. We all spent the whole day swimming in the pool and just relaxing. I had several mugs of coffee. That evening we went on a turtle walk but it was more of a 'turtle charge' because we were all literally running up and down the beach. We didn't see anything and crawled into bed quite tired. This was not such a good experience compared to our previous experience where we took our time, had a long walk and saw loads of turtles.
My first snorkel with Louis and Cecily in the sea was at Manzingwenya beach off the Rocktail -beachcamp boat. We saw loads of fish in a quite deep(8m) reef. The visibility was not great and Louis got quite cold, but he saw an amazing new world down below! Cecily took an underwater camera and hopefully there is a picture of the ragged tooth shark down below. It was such a nice experience with the four of us(Ceri, Riaan, Cecily and Louis) suspended in the water watching sharks and other fish darting down below.
The pictures are of me and Ceri snorkelling at the mouth(the sun is intense, hence the protective gear)
Maputo again
Costa del Sol was slightly disappointing this time but it was nice to have fish and drinks and just to spend the time in Maputo.
Travelling back was again a bit of a task with heavy rains and a time limit to get to the border.
Christmas in Africa
We had tea and Cristmas cake in the morning after the usual session of stockings and whats under the tree?
Cecily arrives
pre Xmas party at house 5
We had a fire in the garden and Ceri's poached pears in red wine and cinnamon sauce was the taste that really announced Christmas.
Ceri should think about creating a Manguzi recipe book because she has created some true star dishes on a shoe string budget. I really liked the chicken liver pate, bruschetta, bierbrood met eier en kaas op, basil-tamatie sous en lemon drizzle cake.
Primary health care, HIV and TB
I worked in primary care for 9 months. This involved visiting the 10 clinics(each clinic is visited approximately twice weekly). One visit would be a general health clinic which consisted of mainly diabetes and a rather nasty strain of hypertension. It is the type of hard core blood pressure that does not respond to adjustment of lifestyle, anti-hypertensive treatment or education. It usually boils down to adherence or perhaps a cultural clash of treatment. These patients are often tiny, very well seeming, old and smily gogos(grannies) with big bottoms...