Sunday, May 18, 2008

nog n naweek in Durban

This was the weekend i've been waiting for! After a 3 day intensive surgical skills course I (laparoscopy on turkey legs and pig intestines) managed to see the wave machine at Gateway shopping centre. It was a coldish but blue skye Saturday morning...and I managed to stand up on a surf board and ski!
We always get a bit mean with the shopping spree i.e we want to buy things we can't afford like lego and books for the boys etc. It reminds me of all the times I left SA after a short visit and then I would run to Music Melodies(is this correct?) at duty free and look under the Afrikaans section and try to buy all the cd's!
Ceri and the boys went to the bird park, snake park and miniland and we ate sushi...then back to Manguzi.
(i am not finished with this post so it may change) have to go to bed

next day:

These are some pictures of the garden, surfing, Ceri's vegetable patch (with beans, spinach, pumpkin, rocket), Ralph andextended fruit catcher.

We eat avos fallen from the tree(season almost over). There is a large coconut palm in the garden - we are not too keen for them to fall...average height 20 feet!

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